Magnetic brush pipelie pig operation principle and safety measures


      Magnetic brush pipelie pig is a kind of pipelie cleaning equipment with better performance. It is popular among consumers in pipelie cleaning. Today, Xiaobian talks about the operation principle of the magnetic brush pipelie pig and the safety measures for pigging. I hope to help everyone. The specific operation principle and pig safety measures of the magnetic brush pipelie pig are introduced as follows.

  Magnetic brush pipelie pig operation principle

  The principle of pig cleaning in magnetic brush pipelie is to use the dynamic fluid to push the magnetic brush pipelie pig to run in the pipelieline while removing the scale inside the pipelie. There are two main types of cleaning mechanism: one is the friction and scraping effect of the magnetic brush pipelie pig, which causes the scale to peel and break; the momentum generated by the fluid leaking around the pig in the magnetic brush pipelie is the scale and the peeling dirt attached to the pipelie wall. The scouring and pulverization are generated, and the stirring force is generated to suspend and discharge the washed dirt.

  Operation during the pigging process. Because it is a hydraulic perfusion system, the volume of the entire tank can be easily calculated by considering only a few parameters. If the position of the ball is far away, the propellant will be filled throughout the pipelie. If the magnetic brush pipelie pig is to return to the starting position, the pipelie must also be filled with propellant, and the supply tank must therefore also be able to accommodate at least twice the volume of the propellant. The low liquid level in the tank must be at a certain level. In any case, avoid the situation where the propulsion pump is dried.

       Magnetic brush pipelie pig

  Safety measures for pig pigging operation of magnetic brush pipelie

  1. When operating the magnetic brush pipelie pig equipment, the operator should strictly follow the operating procedures;

  2, when discharging sewage, within 100 meters around the sewage tank (downwind direction 150 meters) to eliminate the fire source, and set up a warning line, personnel and equipment should be away from the sewage pool;

  3. Non-workers shall not enter the job site during pigging operations;

  4. When receiving, serving and discharging sewage, fire-fighting equipment must be prepared to prevent accidents;

  5. The operators must perform their duties, be loyal to their duties, and must not exceed their authority;

  6. Workers are not allowed to wear chemical fiber clothing and iron spike shoes to prevent accidents caused by static electricity and sparks on the soles;

  7. When using the wet method to collect the ball, the iron sulfide is strictly prevented from occurring, and spontaneous combustion occurs;

  8. The operator must strictly implement the station safety regulations;

  9. The security personnel have the right to stop any personnel from operating illegally;

  10. The safety personnel are responsible for measuring whether the flammable gas at the site is excessive or not. If the standard exceeds the standard, the on-site operator should be notified immediately.

  The above is about the operation principle of pigs in magnetic brush pipelies and the safety measures for pigging. I hope everyone can understand the operation principle of pigs in magnetic brush pipelies and the safety measures for pigging.

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